Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Prep Time

So, Victoria native Anna Copley and myself, Californian turned Torontonian turned Victorian Tara Campbell are setting sail for less green pastures out East this coming May. The time has come to leave behind the lush and forested shores of BC and move toward the culturally rich, French-Canadian concrete jungle, Montreal. For logistical reasons and because it will be a shit tonne of good times, we're driving Hazell Penn's old Corolla across the better part of Canada. Inevitably, this journey will entail much embarrassment, joy, sorrow, probably a couple pant peeing incidents and a few near death experiences. As ego-maniacal as this may be, I know for a fact that there are some folks out there that find the ridiculousness of Miss Copley and myself quite entertaining. In light of such, we are documenting our journey for your teasing and taunting pleasure.

We sincerely hope you enjoy the adventure with us. Wish us luck. Especially if I'm driving.

Hold on to your hats.

Snickers and Nibs